《我的小马驹My Little Pony》又名《小马宝莉》/《友谊魔法》英文版1-7季全169集

《我的小马驹My Little Pony》又名《小马宝莉》/《友谊魔法》英文版1-7季全169集

《小马宝莉》(英语:My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic;中国大陆作《小马宝莉》,台湾作《彩虹小马》,直译为《小马宝莉:友情就是魔法》)是一个由位于美国的有线电视网The Hub,于2010年10月10日首次公开播送的系列动画片。

本电视系列剧主要是由一只叫做紫悦(Twilight Sparkle)的独角兽小马,要执行她导师宇宙公主(Princess Celestia)的任务,在小马谷(Ponyville)学习关于友谊的知识。她与另外五只小马,苹果嘉儿(Applejack)、珍奇(Rarity)、柔柔(Fluttershy)、云宝(Rainbow Dash)与碧琪(Pinkie Pie),成为最要好的朋友。每只小马都代表着友谊的每个元素,并在和谐之元(Elements of Harmony)中,各扮演重要的关键元素。在本电视系列剧中,可见到她们在小马村的种种冒险、事迹,同时也在她们之间的互动和冲突中,找出最佳的解决方案。

类型: 动画
语言: 英文发音(带1-4季中英文字幕,很多剧集自带内嵌字幕)
单集片长: 21分钟左右

《我的小马驹My Little Pony 》英文版1-6季128集 目录:
《我的小马驹My Little Pony 》英文版第一季目录:
S01E01 Friendship Is Magic, Pt 1
S01E02 Friendship Is Magic, Pt 2
S01E03 The Ticket Master
S01E04 Applebuck Season
S01E05 Griffon the Brush-off
S01E06 Boast Busters
S01E07 Dragonshy
S01E08 Look Before You Sleep
S01E09 Bridle Gossip
S01E10 Swarm of the Century
S01E11 Winter Wrap Up
S01E12 Call of the Cutie
S01E13 Fall Weather Friends
S01E14 Suited for Success
S01E15 Feeling Pinkie Keen
S01E16 Sonic Rainboom
S01E17 Stare Master
S01E18 The Show Stoppers
S01E19 A Dog and Pony Show
S01E20 Green Isn’t Your Color
S01E21 Over a Barrel
S01E22 A Bird in the Hoof
S01E23 The Cutie Mark Chronicles
S01E24 Owl’s Well That Ends Well
S01E25 Party of One
S01E26 The Best Night Ever

《我的小马驹My Little Pony 》英文版第二季目录:
S02E01 The Return of Harmony, Pt 1
S02E02 The Return of Harmony, Pt 2
S02E03 Lesson Zero
S02E04 Luna Eclipsed
S02E05 Sisterhooves Social
S02E06 The Cutie Pox
S02E07 May the Best Pet Win!
S02E08 The Mysterious Mare Do Well
S02E09 Sweet and Elite
S02E10 Secret of My Excess
S02E11 Hearth’s Warming Eve
S02E12 Family Appreciation Day
S02E13 Baby Cakes
S02E14 The Last Roundup
S02E15 The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
S02E16 Read It and Weep
S02E17 Hearts and Hooves Day
S02E18 A Friend in Deed
S02E19 Putting Your Hoof Down
S02E20 It’s About Time
S02E21 Dragon Quest
S02E22 Hurricane Fluttershy
S02E23 Ponyville Confidential
S02E24 MMMystery On the Friendship Express
S02E25 A Canterlot Wedding, Pt 1
S02E26 A Canterlot Wedding, Pt 2

《我的小马驹My Little Pony 》英文版第三季目录:
S03E01 The Crystal Empire, Pt 1
S03E02 The Crystal Empire, Pt 2
S03E03 Too Many Pinkie Pies
S03E04 One Bad Apple
S03E05 Magic Duel
S03E06 Sleepless in Ponyville
S03E07 Wonderbolt Academy
S03E08 Apple Family Reunion
S03E09 Spike at Your Service
S03E10 Keep Calm and Flutter On
S03E11 Just for Sidekicks
S03E12 Games Ponies Play
S03E13 Magical Mystery Cure

《我的小马驹My Little Pony 》英文版第四季目录:
S04E01 Princess Twilight, Pt 1
S04E02 Princess Twilight, Pt 2
S04E03 Castle-Mania
S04E04 Daring Don’t
S04E05 Flight to the Finish
S04E06 Power Ponies
S04E07 Bats!
S04E08 Rarity Takes Manehattan
S04E09 Pinkie Apple Pie
S04E10 Rainbow Falls
S04E11 Three’s a Crowd
S04E12 Pinkie Pride
S04E13 Simple Ways
S04E14 Filli Vanilli
S04E15 Twilight Time
S04E16 It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies
S04E17 Somepony to Watch Over Me
S04E18 Maud Pie
S04E19 For Whom the Sweetie Bell Toils
S04E20 Leap of Faith
S04E21 Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3
S04E22 Trade Ya
S04E23 Inspiration Manifestation
S04E24 Equestria Games
S04E25 Twilight’s Kingdom, Pt 1
S04E26 Twilight’s Kingdom, Pt 2

《我的小马驹My Little Pony 》英文版第五季目录:
S05E01 The Cutie Map Part 1
S05E02 The Cutie Map Part 2
S05E03 Castle Sweet Castle
S05E04 Bloom and Gloom
S05E05 Tanks for the Memories
S05E06 Appleoosas Most Wanted
S05E07 Make New Friends But Keep  Discorde
S05E08 The Lost Treasure of  Griffonstone
S05E09 Slice of Life
S05E10 Princess Spike
S05E11 Party Pooped
S05E12 Amending Fences
S05E13  Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep
S05E14 Canterlot Boutique
S05E15 Rarity Investigates
S05E16 Made in Manehattan
S05E17 Brotherhooves Social
S05E18 Crusaders of the Lost Mark
S05E19 The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows
S05E20 Hearthbreakers
S05E21 Scare Master
S05E22 What About Discord
S05E23 The Hooffields and McColts
S05E24 The Mane Attraction
S05E25 The Cutie Re-Mark Part1
S05E26  The Cutie Re-Mark Part1

《我的小马驹My Little Pony 》英文版第六季目录:
S06E01 The Crystalling Part 1
S06E02 The Crystalling Part 2
S06E03 The Gift of the Maud Pie
S06E04 On Your Marks
S06E05 Gauntlet of Fire
S06E06 No Second Prances
S06E07 Newbie Dash
S06E08 A Hearths Warming Tail
S06E09 The Saddle Row Review
S06E10 Applejacks Day Off
S06E11 Flutter Brutter

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